Homes in the affected region have an average value of around $660,000

Based on the projected path of Tropical Storm Fay, more than 10.8m people could feel the storm’s effects as it moves over the Florida Keys and into southwestern Florida, according to the US Census Bureau.

According to the Census Bureau’s 2006 survey the median housing value in Monroe County is $657,900.

The median household income is about $52,000, and around 12 % of the population lives in poverty. The median age is 46.2 years with 16 % of the population 65 years or older.

There are 3,637 businesses in Monroe County with paid employees, employing 30,866 workers, with about $8.5m in total annual payroll. The sector with the most businesses in Monroe County is retail trade, representing 663 businesses, and employing some 6,583 people with a total annual payroll of $1.5m.

The National Hurricane Center said Tropical Storm Fay would strengthen to a hurricane before it reached the Florida peninsula.