The dates for my exams are in

That fateful day has arrived. I’ve received my letter from the examiner telling me when and where I’ll be tested.

The International Certificate in Risk Management requires students to pass two exams, mine will be at the beginning of June and (depending on the mark) you’ll be able to read my result here.

In the meanwhile I’ve been working my way through the final modules of the certificate reading list. I’ve also received some interesting articles from StrategicRISK contributors. One of which, written by a leading risk manager in the charity sector, pointed me towards a useful document.

The Health and Safety Executives Five Steps to Risk Assessment document gives a handy overview of, you guessed it, assessing safety risks in the workplace.

I’m hoping that reading around the subject a little more will present me with the opportunity of picking up some bonus points!

The five steps are:

Step 1

Identify the hazards

Step 2

Decide who might be harmed and how

Step 3

Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions

Step 4

Record your findings and implement them

Step 5

Review your assessment and update if necessary