Asset managers, sovereign wealth funds and central banks hold 151bn Euros of Greek debt

This clever interactive infographic from the Many Eyes website shows in detail who is most exposed to Greek, Irish and Portugese debts.

Asset managers, sovereign welath funds and central banks are the most exposed to Greek debt and therefore have the most to lose if it goes bankrupt. Combined. they hold onto 151bn Euros.

After the European Central Bank (47bn Euros), the International Monetary Fund (53bn Euros) and domestic banks (50bn Euros), the next most exposed group is the German banking system (17bn Euros).

Andrew Lilico an economist writing for the Telegraph says it is only a matter of time before Greece defaults, in which case all of the nation's banks will go insolvent (as will the ECB), there will be (more) rioting on the streets and a military curfew, and Greece will return to a massively devalued Drachma...for the full prediction from Lilico click here.