Asia Pacific


Climate Change Survey 2024

How is your organisation preparing for climate change and the shift to a low carbon economy?
Take part in our quick survey and help the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund – a donation will be made for every completed survey.


interconnected risk

G20 leaders need a bold new approach to risk

Ruth Richardson, executive director of the ASRA, argues that current risk management approaches are creating a dangerous misalignment between the hazards we’re facing and the types of deep, transformative decisions that need to be made.


Risk briefing: how risk managers should react to the Microsoft / Crowdstrike outage

As critical infrastructure across the globe grinds to a halt, StrategicRISK speaks to risk, reputation, data and IT experts to learn what happened, what impacted organisations can do, and steps that risk managers should take to avoid similar crises in the future


Regulation watch: everything risk managers need to know about ASEAN’s guide to AI governance and ethics

Linklaters’ Albert Yuen considers the implications and significance of ASEAN’s guide to AI governance and ethics, and why it is for essential risk managers to understand and embrace this new reality.


The international order is ‘in decline’ – what it means for businesses

A political risk insurance report from WTW highlights the decline of consensus on the liberal international order, summarising it as at best, ‘lukewarm’.

Geopolitics crisis

Risk managers must guide businesses to invest in geopolitical resilience and keep expecting the unexpected

You’d be forgiven for thinking crisis levels had peaked in 2020. Yet, four years on, global volatility soars ever higher. As boards begin to invest in geopolitical resilience, Trevor Treharne asks what risk managers can do to anticipate ticking time bombs before they explode onto the headlines.

modern slavery

Spotlight on: rising ESG violations within supply chains and how to tackle them

Earlier this month, news that workers’ rights campaigners were protesting Shein’s potential FTSE listing hit headlines.

reputation (3)

Case study: how to safeguard your reputation when entering new markets

A good image is hard won, but easily lost. And while growing into emerging markets provides amazing opportunities, your reputational risk will grow, too. Trevor Treharne asked one senior risk leader how they safeguarded their reputation when expanding into India.

geopolitical risk, chess, world, map, data

Understanding supply chain vulnerabilities key as world becomes ‘riskier place’

’The risk market is changing and we need to ensure that we are with our clients from the outset,’ says chief executive of Gallagher’s crisis consultancy business