Asia Pacific

Artificial intelligence

Quick briefing: What risk managers need to know about DeepSeek

The rapid ascent of DeepSeek underscores the need for risk managers to reassess their strategies for managing AI-related risks.


Case study: how a nuclear power plant uses digital twin technology to improve operational safety

Introducing digital twin technology to a nuclear power plant is no simple task. But GleeYM’s Yasir Masood, a risk consultant on one such project, explains how it ultimately provided twice the foresight to predict problems, reduce disruption and, crucially, optimise safety.

APAC map

Key regulatory changes shaping APAC in 2025

How risk managers can navigate APAC’s shifting regulatory terrain in an era of heightened compliance and enforcement.

Business split

Case study: how Solvay managed the emotional impacts of splitting its business

When Brussels-based chemicals business Solvay sought to separate its operations into two distinct entities, little did it know that the biggest challenge would be managing the emotional side of the split. Insurance and prevention director Sonia Cambier spoke to Jon Guy.

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Rethinking risk for a new era

Simona Covaliu, Chief Risk Officer at PayU GPO explores how risk management must evolve to tackle to the new world of emerging risks

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Cyber risk: It’s everyone’s fight

Cyber criminals are growing stronger as our reliance on technology makes our defences weaker. And it’s a problem too big for the IT department alone. So how can risk managers build resilience as cyber threats evolve?

WEF 2025 chart

WEF global risk report: Businesses face escalating environmental, geopolitical, social, and technology challenges

War risk is the biggest immediate fear, endangering stability and progress, while technology and the environment loom large and dominate medium- to long-term concerns, according to the 20th edition of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Risks Report 2025.

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Regulation Watch: Key implications from China’s new Network Data Security Management regulations

Linklaters’ Albert Yuen Linklaters’ Albert Yuen considers the key implications of China’s new Network Data Security Management Regulations and why it is important for risk and compliance managers to understand this new regulation to comply with its data and cybersecurity obligations when operating its China business.