Case Studies
Case Studies
Case study: How Prysmian is integrating TCFD reporting into its ERM framework
A producer of cables for the energy and telecoms sector, Prysmian is embedded in the green transition. Internally too, climate risk is a central concern, says CRO Alessandro De Felice, as it continually develops new ways to integrate TCFD reporting into its ERM framework.
Case Studies
How to manage reshoring risks - a US case study
Former pharma risk manager and current P.E. integrated risk leader at Sigma7, Andrew Tait, looks at how reshoring changes the exposures faced by manufacturing companies in the US, and what global lessons can be learnt
Case Studies
Managing natural disaster to renewable energy projects: an Asia-Pacific case study
Asia-Pacific’s renewable energy sector is poised for growth, placing greater pressure on finding the best risk management solutions to prevent and mitigate the risks
Case Studies
Australia’s first and biggest wind risk hedge: the Infigen Energy case study
Wind risk hedging can protect vital revenue streams when the wind doesn’t blow. Here’s how one energy company did it
Case Studies
Is nuclear apocalypse being overhyped?
The unfolding nuclear crisis in Japan, while worrying, is a classic example of the media hyping up a risk and causing more problems