#ChangingRisk – Page 2
The boardroom perspective: Graham and Ludlow
The world is complex, changing and connected and boards need to respond, argue Airmic’s Julia Graham and John Ludlow
Selling the value of risk management to the board: Narayanan
If you haven’t convinced stakeholders in two minutes, you’ve probably lost their attention, says Suchitra Narayanan
Use digital transformation to your advantage: Corless
Digital transformation should be used to “reliably and repeatedly detect changes to risk”, argues risk thought leader Chris Corless
Move away from company-centric views: Clements
Risk managers need to change the way they perceive risk and move away from company-centric views, according to Adrian Clements.
Use alternatives to heat maps: Sidorenko
Risk managers should use alternatives to heat maps to inform decision-making, according to Risk Academy’s Alex Sidorenko.
Data can engage C-Suite: Wong
Risk managers can harness data to their advantage to engage C-Suite members on important issues, according to Danny Wong.
Focus on intangible risks: Masterson
Organisations should not overlook the intangible risks facing their business, according to Michael Masterson.
Data and technology will improve decision-making: Shah
The latest technology and efficient use of data will help risk managers to improve their decision-making, according to Frashad Shah, head of risk management at highway concession business Prolintas.
Changing perceptions of risk: Jonas
When was the last time you put your risk programmes through their paces? A 20-minute workout from Val Jones, CEO, Risk Decisions, which aims to get your business in shape.
Risk 4.0 - Are you prepared: Black
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has embedded itself into every corner of modern life. How prepared are you for the risks which come with 4.0? Risk consultant Warren Black is here to help in our latest #ChangingRisk video.
Cost and risk Optimisation
We can make a lot of difference in#ChangingRisk for the future, if risk management is backed by proper investment, says Valentina Paduano, chief risk officer & sustainability director for Sogefi Group
Edging to the top of the curve
Smarter communication, a defined risk philosophy, and going beyond the risk community – the three core steps that will accelerate our efforts in #ChangingRisk for the future, says Sabrina Hartusch, global head of insurance risk at Triumph International
Risk is a set of opportunities
#ChangingRisk is about changing mindsets. For Dirk Wegener, incoming president for Ferma, risk management isn’t about managing threats, it’s about managing opportunities
The added value
Challenging misconceptions, articulating value, and getting to a decision before it is made – these are the steps that will really advance our efforts in #ChangingRisk for the future, says Jo Willaert, Ferma president
The revolution marches on
Our #ChangingRisk campaign continues to inspire our community to push ever forward, applying serious energy to discovering what risk management’s future must be
Data is the future of effective risk management
Traditional approaches to risk fail to resonate with senior managers, they are too “subjective” and ”anecdotal”. And if they dismiss risk management, it is because they lack understanding. So, the answer? We need to embark on #ChangingRisk with the use of data, says Danny Wong, CEO of Goat Risk Solutions
The myths that hold risk managers back from making a difference at the top table
“I look after strategic risk and you look after operational risk”. When you place risk management into categories, you stop performing ERM and prevent yourself from helping the board make risk-intelligent decisions. Here’s Sarah Gordon’s (chief executive of Satarla) take on #ChangingRisk and influencing decision-making
#ChangingRisk at GVNW 2019
We set up shop in Munich to discuss what needs to change to help risk management move up the risk maturity curve. Here, four risk managers at this year’s symposium give their impassioned views
Less talk, more action
To transform risk management and ensure we are effectively #ChangingRisk, we have to “look in the mirror and ask, what can you do better?” says Alexander Mahnke, president of GVNW and CEO Insurance (Controlling & Finance, Financing) at Siemens