All Environmental Risk articles – Page 15
Sumatra quake may have broken up Indian Ocean plate
Series of massive earthquakes in April may result in the creation of a new tectonic plate
Cleaner trading
The FSA may be averse to taking legal action over money laundering, but it’s not the case with US regulators
Solvency II – and now for the hard bit
The Solvency II deadline is looming, with firms now using risk management as an even more vital business tool
Bribery Act – the calm before the storm
The Bribery Act 2010 came into force in sthe UK a year ago. The predicted deluge of prosecutions has yet to happen, but companies should ensure now that they have robust policies in place
Typhoon makes landfall in South Korea
Catastrophe modelling firm AIR Worldwide said maximum sustained winds reached 150 km/h, equivalent to a hurricane
Shell delays drilling in Alaskan Arctic
Search for oil is delayed after containment dome is damaged during a test
Willis: Hurricane damage will likely remain stable in 21st century
Power of average Atlantic hurricane also likely to stay unchanged during next century
Isaac upgraded to Hurricane
Residents seek safety away from storm’s path despite no evacuation orders
Capitol ills
The USA has a reputation for being trigger-happy when devising regulation to deal with corporate risk
Extreme weather takes its toll
Global businesses are already having to tackle the effects of climate change
Risk in an interconnected planet
Last year presented some major and largely unexpected problems for European companies including political and civil unrest as well as the supply chain impact of natural catastrophes. Will the next year produce any improvement?
Shale gas: is it all that it’s fracked up to be?
‘Frackers’ were delighted on Tuesday after a report compiled by the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) advised that hydraulic fracturing should resume in the UK
A bigger slice of the pie
The financial crisis has led to the rise of a new risk – resource-rich states moving to seize a greater share of profits from the companies exploiting their natural resources
Bribery revealed
Some companies are no better at tackling corruption than three years ago, despite new anti-bribery laws
Business as usual for the UK after Bribery Act
Claims that a defence company with UK links bribed officials to secure a Saudi contract has left the UK with another potentially embarrassing dilemma
Resilience through sustainability
Businesses must shift to an embedded sustainability strategy to guarantee growth and competitive advantage in the future
Big retailers caught breaching EU chemicals rule
Investigation finds supermarkets in breach of REACH rules governing toxic chemicals
Online only
Campaigners slam emissions cap trap
Trading scheme threatens to trap Europe in a high carbon future, says group
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Big oil unprepared for cat risks
Even after the BP disaster oil companies and their investors are still unprepared for catastrophic risks, warned environmental campaigners.