All Environmental Risk articles – Page 8
The risks and opportunities of cross-border energy sharing
Damage to deep-sea cables - such as those servicing offshore wind projects - has been a major driver of losses within the renewable sector. As grids seek to import and export more of their power via interconnectors, there is an opportunity to learn from these losses
Case Studies
Managing natural disaster to renewable energy projects: an Asia-Pacific case study
Asia-Pacific’s renewable energy sector is poised for growth, placing greater pressure on finding the best risk management solutions to prevent and mitigate the risks
Slavery risk rises in SE Asia as job losses hit home
More than 55% of jobs in SE Asia’s key manufacturing hubs under threat with slavery and labour abuses in SE Asia set to spiral over next two decades as automation consumes job market
Expert Views
Expert view: the future of renewable energy
Renewable energy projects are experiencing unprecedented growth. Andrew Norris, senior engineering underwriter at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, tells of the opportunities, the risks and how the industry is responding
Case Studies
Australia’s first and biggest wind risk hedge: the Infigen Energy case study
Wind risk hedging can protect vital revenue streams when the wind doesn’t blow. Here’s how one energy company did it
Wind hedging can safeguard revenues when the wind doesn’t blow
No one can control the wind and the wrong kind of weather can place revenue streams under real pressure. But here’s the solution…
How technological innovations will transform renewable energy maintenance for the better
Costly maintenance issues could become a thing of the past as smart sensors pre-empt future damages to turbines and other renewable energy technology
Renewable energy investment is on the rise but there are some major risks to look out for
Renewables are the fastest-growing source of energy, backed by huge investment, but the sector is not without its risks and new threats are emerging all the time
Don’t rely on GL to cover environmental risks, report warns
Environmental risks have grown as the world gets smaller and more interconnected, insurer Chubb and law firm Clyde & Co argue, in a new environmental risk report
No more government blank cheques, as climate risk shifts to insurers and lawsuits
Law firm Clyde & Co held a briefing in London to discuss the evolution of climate risk litigation and the role of insurance sector
Natural catastrophe insured losses “highest ever” in 2017 – Swiss Re
Reinsurer Swiss Re said Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria had resulted in combined insured losses of $92bn, equal to 0.5% of US GDP
China pursues lithium autarky
A political risk report from Verisk Maplecroft focuses on Chinese ambitions for self-sufficiency in lithium for the batteries to power electric vehicles, with far-reaching implications for suppliers and competitors
Parametric insurance: the future of risk transfer?
Parametric pay-outs could reduce the protection gap and help protect against climate change. Claudia De Meulemeester reports
Climate risk – business as usual impossible
Climate scientist professor Sir Brian Hoskins led a Norton Rose Fulbright debate held at Lloyd’s
Aon report: European winter storms cost likely $1bn+
Storm Emma and the frigid cold snap that hit Europe in February featured in Aon’s Global Catastrophe Recap report for February
Environmental risk outlook released by Maplecroft
Climate risk transparency, costs of climate change, China’s environmental risk footprint, and deforestation risk all figured in a report from Verisk Maplecroft
Energy storage demands rising – Pioneer briefing
The energy sector – particularly renewable energy – has increased demand for energy storage, but embracing the concept brings risks as well as opportunities
ESG myths remain persistent – Hermes study
Environment, social and governance investing is still regarded as a tick-box exercise to keep risk managers happy, according to a study into perceptions of ESG investment
Economic losses from disasters plunge in 2017
Losses down to just US$44 billion in the first half of 2017, with US$23 billion worth covered by insurance