Covid-19 led to the largest disruptions in educational systems in history. By learning now, risk managers can ensure they are resilient against future crises

Academic institutions worldwide are gearing up to welcome students and employees back to campus.

With the world navigating the impacts of various global health crises and security concerns, education organisations must prioritise the health, security and wellbeing of their communities.

university graduates

Henning Snyman, Security Director at International SOS, explained: “As universities navigate the return to campus and resuming their study abroad programmes, it is crucial for educational institutions to understand the changes in the risk environments.

“Conducting thorough risk assessments and carefully vetting third-party study abroad providers would help universities in safeguarding their students.”

Understanding the risks

Covid-19 affected education globally and led to the largest disruption of education systems in history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in over 190 countries.

In fact, International SOS says it saw a 60% increase in requests for information and assistance within the education industry during the pandemic.

“Conducting thorough risk assessments and carefully vetting third-party study abroad providers would help universities in safeguarding their students.”

Closures of schools, universities and other learning spaces impacted 94% of the world’s student population.

By learning from the challenges, educational institutions can play a pivotal role in minimising future disruptions to learning.

This may include implementing comprehensive health and security guidelines which will not only safeguard the wellbeing of students and staff but also enable a swift and coordinated response to future crises.

How to manage the threats

Prioritising health guidelines will significantly reduce the risk of illness and infections on campus.

Additionally, promoting mental health support and hygiene practices contributes to a holistic and safe campus experience for all.

In classrooms, one option is to provide disinfectant wipes that students can use to clean their seating areas themselves.

In aging buildings, institutions should monitor and manage air quality to reduce airborne risk.

Dr Kate O’Reilly, medical director at International SOS, explained: “The resurgence of global health and security risks, highlights the critical need for robust health and safety measures.

”Universities should ensure that they regularly provide their stakeholders with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions during crises”

”Having a comprehensive pandemic preparedness framework can minimise the potential impact of a future pandemic as well as providing information to maintain continuity of learning using adaptable online platforms and hybrid teaching models.”

When choosing a third-party provider, universities should carefully review the provider’s crisis and emergency response plan.

Ensure that they have clear guidelines and provides support for common study abroad risks including hospitalisation, mental health crises and natural disasters.

Moreover, universities should ensure that they regularly provide their stakeholders with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions during crises, promoting resilience and community cohesion.

How educational institutions can mitigate health and security risks 

International SOS shares the following health and safety tips for schools and universities to consider when preparing for return to campus:

  • Implementing health guidelines:  Collaborate closely with local health authorities and experts to implement comprehensive health guidelines.
  • Healthcare access:  Ensure students, staff and faculty have access to healthcare services when needed.
  • Uplift mental health support for both staff and students:  Offering mental health support and counselling services and resources to address the challenges that may arise during the return to campus life. Regularly communicate to students and faculty on the support available and how to access it.
  • Enhancing hygiene practices:  Encourage frequent handwashing, provide sanitisation stations across campus and increase air flow and ventilation to limit the spread of infections.
  • Comprehensive risk assessments:  Conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential health and safety hazards on campus and develop actionable plans to address them effectively.
  • Educating the community:  Ensure effective communication channels to disseminate accurate and up-to-date information on health and safety protocols to students, faculty, and staff. Transparent communication builds trust and enables individuals to take proactive measures.
  • Emergency preparedness:  Establish clear emergency response plans, ensuring everyone knows the correct actions to take in case of health crises or other emergencies.