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How risk managers can tackle growing sanctions risks
The complexity and magnitude of international sanctions now demands vigilance on a new scale. Smaller businesses may not have the ready resources to tackle the issue, but the laws won’t make exceptions. So what practical steps can you take to stay safe?
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Keep your eyes and ears open to move the needle on risk culture
EXPERT VIEW Riskonnect’s Claire Hopper has advice on how to build a culture where everyone incorporates risk considerations into everything they do – making sure they are always looking, listening and mitigating for potential problems.
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A best practice guide to developing climate resilience
EXPERT VIEW: Climate change may already be here, but we can – and must – work ahead of time to map out our exposures for the impacts still to come. International SOS’s James Wood explores how to build climate resilience, through data analysis, assigning accountability and securing investment.
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How risk and insurance managers can take control through engineering and international programmes
When international programmes and risk engineering go hand in hand, risk and insurance managers can truly take control of their exposures, say Philip Brandl and Reto Collenberg.
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Living and breathing International Programs
Why Swiss Re Corporate Solutions’ International Program team is determined to grow the business carefully, despite an uptick in demand
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Predictive analytics in an era of cascading risks
How effective data integration makes sense of complexity and takes risk management into a new era
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2022: The year parametrics got creative
With use cases encompassing natural perils, BI and property damage, parametric insurance is no longer a niche play
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Hydrogen: insurance supporting the evolution of a new energy economy
With the hydrogen economy poised for take-off, the insurance industry has a crucial role in supporting its end-to-end growth
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Taking the UK market by storm
Responding to changes in the UK market through partnerships, risk transfer, engineering solutions and upskilling
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Responding to a changing casualty market
Casualty markets are hotting up, thanks to two global trends. Time to adapt and enhance our offering
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Seeing flood through a new lens
Flood is the most frequently-occurring natural hazard - so should it still be considered a secondary peril?
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Promoting risk engineering as part of a healthy risk culture
Nat cats cannot be avoided, but risk engineering plays an important role in reducing their site-specific impact
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Why data is mission critical to climate adaptation
Identifying future climate hotspots empowers risk managers to act now, explains Neil Aellen
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The future of supply chain risk management
The COVID-crisis has prompted a period of introspection as organisations question how to best structure their supply chains and manage their risk
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Supply chains: Spotlight on Asia
The last decade has seen four major sources of disruption to supply chains in Asia Pacific: Natural catastrophes, manmade disasters, cyber attacks and pandemic.
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Supply chains: Partnering to develop risk solutions
Supply chain complexity is particularly evident in the automotive sector, where lean production has created critical hubs
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Supply chains: Dealing with the unforeseen
It is not just international health crises where preparedness plays a significant role in the severity and impact of an event
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Lessons in supply chain resilience
The COVID-crisis is the latest incident to draw attention to supply chain vulnerabilities. The lessons are clear but how quickly will they be forgotten? asks Martin Schürz.
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Tackle the risks of the digital revolution with an integrated risk management approach
Integrated risk management is transforming the way in which risk managers approach and manage technology-related risks and the interconnected nature of 21st century threats, writes Quin Rodriguez, vice-president, strategy & innovation at Riskonnect
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Becoming data smart
Andy Jones, head of risk engineering, property and casualty on how risk managers can overcome the biggest big data challenges