Features – Page 10

  • Features

    Emerging issues


    Adrian Leonard discusses risk and solutions with Chris Frost, partner, operational risk management solutions, PricewaterhouseCoopers

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    Developing a global programme


    Standard D&O policy wordings vary in different jurisdictions warns Michael Rossi

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    Stopping the leak


    Steve Allen tells a salutary tale of how a disgruntled employee used technology to steal information and damage his employer's reputation.

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    Trouble ahead?


    Nick Stanbury looks at the practical implications for company directors of the proposed UK company law changes

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    New markets, different rules


    Having a website may mean you can sell widgets to customers in Outer Mongolia - but do you really want to? David Smellie and Paula Lennon outline the dangers and how to avoid them.

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    Firm foundations


    Construction projects offer opportunities for fraudsters. Establish some firm rules when commissioning work, urges Geoff Covey.

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    Harnessing technology


    Margaret Cubley & Iain MacDonald discuss the value of IT driven crisis management.

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    How vunerable is your information?


    It is quite disturbing how complacent some organisations are about information security.

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    Blowing the whistle


    Frank Heinrich-Jones looks at the effects of the Public Interest Disclosure Act.

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    Bare minimum


    The Government has asked industry to suggest new ways to take the risk out of pension funding. Adrian Leonard explores he alternatives.

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    Don't be a fraud victim


    Take a tough line to prevent fraud says Geoff Covey.

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    Mia Pandey discusses how established brands have managed their risk when moving to the on-line environment.

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    Licensing in IPR


    Simon Harper discusses the points to watch for when acquiring rights to use other people's intellectual property.

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    Virtual hazards


    IT can leave you exposed to unprotected and unexpected risks, warns Janet Edey.

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    How safe is your intellectual property?


    Howard Cottrell says that misrepresentation of brand image will escalate with the internet explosion, but companies are taking surprisingly few precautions to protect themselves.