Features – Page 3

  • Features

    Data watchdog has teeth


    Companies with UK operations should check their security procedure in light of the regulator's new powers

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    Be prepared


    Companies can notch up plenty of governance brownie points if they focus on risk management and internal audit, says Jackie Cain

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    A decade of comment


    Sue Copeman looks back at the hot issues of the past 10 years and finds them not too far removed from the topics that concern risk managers today

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    By hook or by crook


    From Enron to Worldcom to Madoff, the last decade featured a number of momentous frauds and scams. But, as Andrew Leslie discovers, those profiting from people's desire to make a quick buck is not just a modern problem

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    The inside job


    Which risks will be more dangerous in the future? Internal or external risks, ask Michael Bruch and Dr Rudolf Kreutzer of Allianz

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    Seat of power


    Tougher corporate governance standards have changed how risk managers work, says Neil Hodge. Why, they've even been known to change boardroom thinking...

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    Prime crime


    Has fraud boomed in the recession? Or is it simply that cash-strapped copmanies are spotting things earlier? As the old adage goes, there's no such thing as a small fraud, just those that haven't had time to grow. Peter Davy reports

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    A world of difference


    Laws relating to directors' liability vary across Europe - while the spectre of US extradition looms in the background, writes Neil Hodge

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    Charting disaster


    Following a year of economic turmoil and political tensions, Nathan Skinner highlights the global issues that will be on the world's risk register in 2010

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    Collective bargaining


    As the European Commission proposes a system of collective redress, some critics fear a move towards US-style class actions says Neil Hodge

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    Managing the risk


    Managing your directors’ and officers’ liability (D&O) risk has always been important. In today’s recession where pressures may encourage directors to cut corners and third parties to sue, it’s vital, writes Sue Copeman

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    Guard your data


    Lee Coppack says that the information that companies hold is as valuable as money for hackers and criminals. The consequences for businesses can be embarrassing and expensive

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    The enforcement emphasis on both sides of ‘the pond’


    With new brooms sweeping clean and increased powers, expect greater scrutiny warn Kevin Roberts, Randall Fons, and Brian Neil Hoffman

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    Never miss a trick!


    Nathan Skinner invites you to test your skills by playing our spot the fraud game

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    Not all they seem


    Tony Dowding looks at how companies can prevent and deal with false and exaggerated claims

  • Special Report: Fighting Corruption and Bribery

    The cost of corruption


    Nathan Skinner reviews anti bribery and corruption measures – and discusses just how effective they are

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    Tackle cyber security


    Despite all the warning signs, many businesses are still failing to take cyber security seriously, says Neil Hodge

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    Managing risk in a recession


    Mike Boyle looks at recessionary risks, with particular emphasis on employer’s liability personal injury claims, and considers how companies can manage them.

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    It could happen to you


    As companies find themselves looking outside their normal areas of operation, Heyrick Bond Gunning expands on his clients’ experience in countries where corruption and bribery loom large

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    Risk in a recession


    Risk is following hard on the heels of the recession, warns Nathan Skinner