
  • Risk workshop

    Risk tool spotlight: How to run a successful risk workshop


    A well-designed risk workshop is an effective way to pinpoint, assess and devise action plans. But how can risk managers ensure that these workshops really achieve what they set out to? Sara Benwell reports.

  • survey_budgetcontrols

    Our state of the industry survey reveals risk managers' top concerns for 2024


    Our 2024 State of the Industry survey reveals a risk profession that is evolving, with more practitioners than ever moving beyond insurance buying to focus on enterprise risk management. But with new threats emerging at a dizzying rate, the pressure is on to improve controls and communicate your value. Sara ...

  • solar panels install

    Spotlight on: risk engineering and how to use it to improve resilience


    Risk engineering solves problems before they can occur, providing the practical information you need to make decisions that prevent losses and interruption. And your insurer will love you for it, reports Sara Benwell.

  • 3LoD

    Spotlight on: the three lines of defence model


    As the risk management world promotes risk optimisation over control, and coordination over siloed thinking, have we outgrown the 3LoD model? Trevor Treharne asks industry experts where it’s time for a tactical rethink

  • vacant skills gap job

    Plugging the risk management talent gap


    Baby boomers are retiring, and with them goes their vast experience. But instead of welcoming in a new wave of ambitious young recruits, we face a skills shortage. How will the industry encourage the next generation of talent to come in and make this evolving role their own?