Financial risk – Page 6
Europe’s listeria outbreak sends stern warning to risk and supply chain managers
As Europe’s food and industry thrives, the heat is on to manage its risks. We look to the lab where solutions are being developed to better handle contamination and consider a more holistic approach to coverage that goes far beyond simple product recall insurance
Slavery risk rises in SE Asia as job losses hit home
More than 55% of jobs in SE Asia’s key manufacturing hubs under threat with slavery and labour abuses in SE Asia set to spiral over next two decades as automation consumes job market
Financial services and transport businesses beware: you are most vulnerable to cyber attacks
Co-ordinated attack and increasingly sophisticated malware deployments places businesses at greater risk than ever before
Financial crises: The Perils of Pauline
Wars and financial crises are the two big threats most capable of wiping out economic growth, according to Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator, Financial Times
Carillion enquiry slams Big Four audit firms
The UK’s audit market is a “cosy club incapable of providing the degree of independent challenge needed”, said a House of Commons joint select committee enquiry into the collapse of construction company Carillion
GDPR elephant in the room at RIMS 2018
Opinion: Cyber-crime was on the menu at RIMS 2018 in Texas, but surprisingly few people were talking about GDPR, writes David Benyon
Risk role vital as M&A under pressure – Willis Towers Watson
Shareholders are taking an increasingly dim view of large and complex mergers and acquisitions, so the risk manager’s role is important during the deal
Parametric insurance: the future of risk transfer?
Parametric pay-outs could reduce the protection gap and help protect against climate change. Claudia De Meulemeester reports
Keeping credit markets turning – Zurich
Banks and other financial institutions are turning to insurers to help free up capital through risk transfer deals
ESG myths remain persistent – Hermes study
Environment, social and governance investing is still regarded as a tick-box exercise to keep risk managers happy, according to a study into perceptions of ESG investment
If you think your insurance will cover your recall, think again
Why losses caused by the wrong ingredient might not be covered by either your product liability or product recall insurance
Trade credit risks exacerbated following Brexit vote
The UK is likely to see a high level of insolvencies, losses, and projects put on hold
StrategicRISK Europe Q2 now live
In Q2 edition of StrategicRISK, we look at Europe’s political landscape in light of the growing migrant crisis and recent terror attacks in Paris and Brussels, the face-off between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and speak exclusively to Chubb, senior vice-president Andrew Kendrick in his first interview since the ACE-Chubb ...
Insurers expect profits to slip over next three months
CBI-PwC survey sees profits under pressure from rising costs, low investment returns
AIG Europe reports flat 2015 profit in tough market
Insurer cuts back in personal accident amid “challenging conditions”
The Knowledge: Top 10 European risks
For Europe’s risk professionals, the 10 most likely threats include four related to economic factors – but technology and geopolitics are big concerns too
Lloyd’s sees more demand for cyber policies amid falling profits
Pre-tax profits drop to £2.1bn in ‘challenging market’ conditions
Economic risk has a 56% chance of hurting Europe’s businesses
In the second of a series on Europe’s greatest risks, risk professionals gave economic threats a likelihood score of 2.8 out of five – but technological risk, while less likely to occur, have a greater financial impact
The 10 most likely risks to cause the greatest financial impact in Europe
A StrategicRISK survey shows European risk managers have a different outlook to their Asian, and global, counterparts