All risk tools articles
Spotlight on: the three lines of defence model
As the risk management world promotes risk optimisation over control, and coordination over siloed thinking, have we outgrown the 3LoD model? Trevor Treharne asks industry experts where it’s time for a tactical rethink
Risk management as a practice and a profession needs to change – or become irrelevant
The articulation of risk management’s benefits and the way it is widely implemented and understood, is based on a fallacy, says Ben Cattaneo, founder of The Decision-Making Studio. Risk managers must evolve to stay useful.
Case Studies
Case study: how one exporter used risk culture to reduce operational, branding, financial, and market-related risks
An India-based SME experienced growing pains as demand for its products swelled. IRM’s Hersh Shah talks us through the rescue plan: a formalised approach to risk and a risk culture built on accountability and communication.
Plugging the risk management talent gap
Baby boomers are retiring, and with them goes their vast experience. But instead of welcoming in a new wave of ambitious young recruits, we face a skills shortage. How will the industry encourage the next generation of talent to come in and make this evolving role their own?
Case Studies
Case study: how to overcome board resistance to integrate a risk management programme
The key to successful integration of your risk programme lies in the bonds you make at the executive level, says Darlene Halwas, a board member of Carbon Management Canada. Forming close ties, developing trust through transparency and being a source of help, means you have a voice on the board ...
How risk managers can become climate leaders through better communication
With the right communication and data, risk managers can speak the language of the c-suite and become a driver of real climate change says Chris Hickin, vice president - operations engineering manager, London operations at FM Global
How to boost your company’s immune system with strategic risk management
Volkan Can, enterprise risk manager of a global building materials company, and board member of the Enterprise Risk Management Association of Turkey, shares his tips on how risk managers can operate more effectively to improve the health of their organisations.
The big question: how to shape risk culture in your organisation
Risk culture is increasingly a hot topic, but how can risk managers move the needle? Strategic Risk caught up with Clive Thompson, technical adviser at the Institute of Risk Management to find out.
Airmic 2023: Three new tools to help risk managers
Airmic has launched a series of guides at its annual conference, designed to help risk managers do their jobs more effectively - here’s what’s new
CRO view: Chatbots can revolutionise risk management, but only if we get algorithms right
ChatGPT can’t compete with trained risk management chatbots but it can easily outperform many risk consultants, says Alex Sidorenko, chief risk officer and founder of RISK-ACADEMY
Unveiling the future of risk management: the 2023 RMIS Panorama
François Beaume, VP digital transformation at Amrae, explores how this year’s Panorma survey can help risk managers leverage technology, to better mitigate threats
Case Studies
Risk-!n case study: How Sunstar set up a quantitative risk management system
Maya Wellig, head of global risk management at Sunstar, shares her process for quantifying risks and how it improves c-suite engagement
Risk-!n conference: How a resilience index can get you a seat at the CapEx table
STMicroelectronic explains how its Resilience Site Index is changing the way the firm does business
The role of the CRO in defining risk appetite
Alex Sidorenko, a chief risk officer and the founder of Risk Awareness Week and the RISK-ACADEMY, explores the three key aspects of risk appetite and where risk managers can add value
How automation can improve risk management practices
Lauren Doyle, product and platform specialist at Whyaye, explores what is behind the rise of automation in IRM and what it means for risk managers
Rethinking risk management in an agile world
To succeed with digital acceleration, risk professionals will need to transition from outdated methods, argues Mary Carmichael, managing director, risk advisory, Momentum Technology
Heatmaps can be dangerous - how to make sure you’re using them effectively
Hans Læssøe, founder of AKTUS, explains when heatmaps and risk matrices can be useful, and how to use them appropriately
Chief risk officer view: how I develop and maintain a strong risk culture
Alex Sidorenko, a chief risk officer and the founder of Risk Awareness Week and the RISK-ACADEMY shares his five top tips for creating risk culture and empowering executive decision making
Moving beyond Excel: the urgent need for better risk management tools
While Excel may be easy and free, it is no longer sufficient to manage the complex and ever-changing risks faced by organisations today. Danny Wong, an enterprise risk management thought leader, explores the alternatives.
Four common mistakes risk managers make - and how to avoid them
New Risk Academy guides explore some of the biggest mistakes risk managers commonly make and how to avoid them