Special reports
Special Reports
Special report: People risk
Poor people management can have a profound effect on a business – hitting productivity, innovation and morale. More attention must be given to the roots of people risk if we don’t want the talent to run dry.
Special Reports
Spotlight on: the risks facing the global retail sector
Many have rung the death knell for retail over the years, but the sector isn’t dying – it’s just changing. Retail risk managers have their hands full, managing disruptors like AI integration and the next generations’ consumer habits, alongside supply chain issues and loss prevention. Trevor Treharne reports.
Special Reports
Ordering the chaos: how to manage connected risks
Getting to grips with interconnectedness means identifying the intricate links between the threats we face, then mapping, understanding and preparing for them. Our webinar sought to untangle this complex issue. Sara Benwell reports back.
Special Reports
How to manage people-risk and win the war for talent
The war for talent rages on as we continue to grapple with the post-COVID work landscape and fall out from the Great Resignation. At our roundtable, four risk experts shared how they attract and retain the best talent and future-proof against people-related threats.
Special Reports
How to build a risk management function that’s strategic
A new executive report from RIMS can help risk managers gain the ear of the CEO, and the trust of the board, and ultimately ensure that their risk management programs are strategic
Special Reports
Airmic 2023: The future of risk management revealed
Risk management will be characterised by embracing ESG, risk culture and smart use of artificial intelligence, according to Airmic’s Future of the Profession 2023 report.
Special Reports
Special report: Women in risk
It’s said that diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being invited to dance
Special Reports
Special report: D&O
Brexit has the potential to have serious implications for D&O and trade credit risks. Risk managers are urged to take a more proactive approach in managing them.
Special Reports
Special report: Diversity in risk and insurance
The industry has made a start but there’s still a great deal left to do.
Special Reports
Being prepared for business travel
Foreign business travel is no holiday, so be prepared for all eventualities
Special Reports
Risk engineering: Getting a big-picture view of risk
Risk engineering consultants can give management a clear idea of where the risks to their operations lie on a global scale and how to deal with them
Special Reports
Special Report: Captive risks
This special report also looks at the impact of Solvency II and capitive domiciles serving BRIC economies
Special Reports
Environmental Special Report: The public perception
As the media’s eco focus grows, the public is becoming increasingly clued up about green matters. That means companies must ensure their environmental strategies are top notch or face harsh public scrutiny
Special Reports
Environmental Special Report: Alternative methods
In the wake of several high-profile environmental disasters, many firms are looking at different resource extraction methods - but these are not without their own ecological consequences
Special Reports
A legal minefield
Ethical standards for businesses are about to get stricter, so senior managers and directors will need to take a far more hands-on role in ensuring that their fi rms comply with the rules.
Special Reports
Recalls and reputation
As more businesses are being hit by product recalls, insurers have made cover easier and cheaper - even providing short-term specialist consultants for smaller companies that don’t have a large public relations budget.
Special Reports
Employee safety
Strong health and safety policies and a keen eye on absence levels, both long- and short-term, can reduce both premium costs and the expenses associated with sickness.
Special Reports
European Roundup: Education initiatives
An expanded look ‘Around Europe’ shows how associations are bringing young people into risk management