Special reports
Special Reports
Special report: Climate change 2024
The race to tackle climate-related risks is on, and many businesses know what they need to do. But how can they overcome barriers and get the support needed to really make a difference?
Special Reports
Ordering the chaos: how to manage connected risks
Getting to grips with interconnectedness means identifying the intricate links between the threats we face, then mapping, understanding and preparing for them. Our webinar sought to untangle this complex issue. Sara Benwell reports back.
Special Reports
Construction insurance and surety – better together
While it is uncommon for contractors and project owners to place property and casualty insurance and surety with one carrier, there are great benefits to going ‘all in’, say BHSI’s John Roe and Geo Delisio.
Special Reports
How global programmes can integrate with ERM philosophies leading to better risk management
Expert view: Against the backdrop of global supply chain disruption, geopolitical tension and escalating cyber threats, CROs must embrace centralised decision-making and enterprise risk management strategies. Global programmes can help, says AXA XL’s Ms Shiwei Jin
Special Reports
Special report: metals and mining risks
When Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (BHSI) commits to a market, it thinks long term – and the evolving and sometimes volatile metals and mining sectors are no exception. Matthew Gooda, underwriting manager for metals and mining, shares his insights on these complex, large-scale industries.
Special Reports
Special report: Climate change
Climate change is already here - so what now? Learn how organisations can start meeting the challenges head on and turn risks into opportunities
Special Reports
Special report: Digital transformation
When it comes to digital transformation in this increasingly uncertain world, standing still is not an option
Special Reports
Special report: Complex claims
When it comes to large and complex claims you told us your main concern was nasty surprises
Special Reports
Steady progress for captives
Which will be first to arrive in the Middle East - a sophisticated approach to risk management across industry sectors, or greater use of captive insurance? One will almost certainly drive the other
Special Reports
Risk engineering: Getting a big-picture view of risk
Risk engineering consultants can give management a clear idea of where the risks to their operations lie on a global scale and how to deal with them
Special Reports
Special Report: Captive risks
This special report also looks at the impact of Solvency II and capitive domiciles serving BRIC economies
Special Reports
Captives: Stuck in no man's land
What effect is the uncertainty surrounding the implementation of Solvency II having on the captive industry?
Special Reports
Environmental Special Report: The public perception
As the media’s eco focus grows, the public is becoming increasingly clued up about green matters. That means companies must ensure their environmental strategies are top notch or face harsh public scrutiny
Special Reports
Considering claims
From taking out a policy to making a claim, in the insurance world your business depends on honesty and accuracy. Anything else could result in serious financial straits.
Special Reports
Know your own appetite
Mid-sized companies seeking to survive and grow need a competitive edge. You have to be able to demonstrate that you are managing your business better than your peers, and that means taking on risk as well as guarding against it.
Special Reports
Captives Special Report: Tightening up on tax
The days when having a captive could produce some significant tax benefits for its parent company have largely disappeared. But fiscal authorities are still prepared to challenge where they feel a captive is providing an unfair advantage
Special Reports
Captives Special Report: Mapping management
While local managers contribute a great deal to the running of a captive, specialist captive management companies can ensure all bases are covered
Special Reports
Captives Special Report: What do you cover?
Most captives are used to insure standard property and casualty risks, but if structured and financed properly, almost anything can be covered
Special Reports
It's time to refuel
Expansion into emerging markets should be more about growth and opportunity than cutting costs, says AXA Corporate Solutions