All systemic risk articles
Insurers back pandemic research initiative
Projects could help build societal resilience and reduce the long-term costs of future risks
Allianz Risk Barometer: Fallout from global crises dominates survey
Inflation, financial market volatility, a looming recession and the energy crisis are top risers for 2023
Cyber will be the biggest risk code for Lloyd’s in 2023
CFC’s chief underwriting officer says cyber insurance has ’had to grow up’, but balancing regulation and value propositions is tricky
Third of internal auditors yet to adopt data analytics
Audit body argues that advanced analytics is the key to navigating an increasingly volatile risk landscape
RIMS supports proposals for US cyber insurance backstop
Federal risk pool proposed to insure large-scale catastrophic cyber incidents must be well crafted, says risk association
German insurance managers welcome Extremus extension
The German terrorism risk backstop has been given state backing for a further two years
Three ways of increasing cyber insurability - sigma
There is currently a protection gap of around 90% due to the uncertain nature of systemic risk
Ferma: Panel tackles $10 trillion cyber accumulation
European risk managers faced up to insurance bosses as they discussed the ‘industrialisation of crime’
SR Q3 2022: Inflation - staying grounded
Even the risk community isn’t keen on trying to predict the next crisis, as each one seems to have a cascade effect
Amrae welcomes proposals to resolve cyber capacity crunch
Risk association welcomes “major milestone for the cyber resilience of the economy” and calls for rapid action
Cyber: Hitting pause
At below $10 billion, why has the cyber re/insurance market failed to live up to its potential?
Cyber: Banning ransoms is a ‘blunt policy instrument’
A ban could encourage ransomware attackers to engage in new, more malicious forms of extortion, warns Geneva Convention
Insurers must build new, data-led markets
Imagination is needed by corporate risk managers to deliver outcome-based solutions, say panellists
Insurers must ‘lean into’ systemic risk - ABI
Policyholders expect more innovative solutions from insurers after the industry’s Covid-19 BI claims response
What’s causing the shift towards systemic and counterparty risks?
It is no coincidence that risk management is now very high on the agenda of financial institutions across buy side and sell side
Ukraine triggers a re-evaluation of global systemic risk
Systemic risks affect entire markets - not just specific sectors - and are now top of mind for senior executives - WEF
Ukraine dominates Ferma risk survey
Cyber threats, supply chain failure, geopolitical uncertainties and uncertain economic growth are top of mind
CyberCube launches cyber incident response service
Through partnership with Kroll it will offer guidance on major cyber aggregation events
Remembering WannaCry, five years on
The attack highlighted the potential systemic impact of ransomware and indiscriminate nature
UK consortium to tackle systemic risk
Backed by Pool Re, it will support the creation of private-public solutions and develop new risk transfer products