
  • mental health

    Businesses must protect employee mental health as geopolitical tensions rise


    In the face of an increasingly volatile global landscape, organisations must address the dual challenges of rising geopolitical risks and the ensuing impact on employees’ mental health and wellbeing. Insights from the International SOS Risk Outlook 2024 report reveal this pressing concern; the permacrisis environment is taking a significant toll ...

  • Mining minerals hands child labour

    Sector spotlight: how mining companies can manage growing ESG, regulation, and talent risks


    There are few industries more at the coalface of steep risk management demands than the mining sector. ESG pressures, regulatory demands, and leaching talent are creating a challenging mix of exposures for its risk managers, writes Trevor Treharne.

  • vacant skills gap job

    Plugging the risk management talent gap


    Baby boomers are retiring, and with them goes their vast experience. But instead of welcoming in a new wave of ambitious young recruits, we face a skills shortage. How will the industry encourage the next generation of talent to come in and make this evolving role their own?

  • Diversity people

    Risk guide: how to create the right culture to tackle people-related risks


    Remote working plus a cost of living crisis and talent migration is leaving workforces disengaged and stressed. Unhappy employees put everything at risk, so organisations must protect their greatest asset and build risk cultures that put the heart of their organisations.

  • travel insurance (2)

    Spotlight on: Travel risks and how to manage them


    New security and health risks, plus a constant threat of travel disruption, mean many employees are reluctant to get back on the road. The duty of care is on risk managers to proactively plan for their safest possible travels.

  • china

    China: Why the most populous country on earth is shaping the global economy


    With GDP and growth envied by many Western countries, China is increasingly shaping the global economic landscape

  • Manila

    The Philippines: a land of extremes


    The country has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, but income inequalities, a growing population and being on a typhoon path mean it remains vulnerable 

  • StrategicRISK forum 2014

    Risk management at the forefront of Asia’s corporate expansion


    StrategicRISK’s inaugural conference in Singapore highlighted key risks in the region for businesses

  • Risk

    Future of risk management: new risk culture


    Risk leaders consider how the 2008 financial crisis, globalisation and technological advances have changed the risk manager’s role

  • Greg Case

    Aon and Manchester United: Beyond business


    By working together on an initiative to help disadvantaged young people Aon and Manchester United are providing a helping hand for those who need it most

  • Features

    Born free and equal


    The multinational that abuses its power in poorer countries risks financial losses, litigation and reputational ruin. Yet shocking cases of exploitation still occur. It is time to take responsibility, says Nathan Skinner

  • Features

    Managing risk in a recession


    Mike Boyle looks at recessionary risks, with particular emphasis on employer’s liability personal injury claims, and considers how companies can manage them.

  • Features

    Solutions not problems


    A four pronged approach to supply chain risk management can improve resilience and the value of the insurance programme says Jim Carruthers

  • Features

    In the wake of SocGen


    Yet another financial scandal has highlighted the weaknesses of some organisations’ internal control. Are companies failing to learn lessons from the past? Or has the operating environment changed so much that it is making these lessons irrelevant?

  • Features

    Between Fear and Reason – the French way


    Andrew Leslie reflects on last month’s AMRAE conference

  • Features

    Managing reputation and value


    A disaster throws a spotlight on a company’s performance. Some recover quickly; others do not. Research into the share price of airlines following a fatal crash gives an indication of the reasons for the difference. Deborah Pretty describes the results.

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    Towards sustainability


    What part can business play in making the change towards a sustainable economy? Nathan Skinner reports on a recent conference

  • Features

    Measuring the markets


    Where are the best opportunities to be found among emerging markets? And what about the risks? Ian Coleman explains the thinking behind an index which balances the risks and rewards

  • Features

    Risk management and talent


    If people are your greatest asset, you ought to be putting a value on that asset and risk managing it. The sums at risk may turn out to be astonishingly high, says Paul Aldrich

  • Features

    Benefits without risk?


    More and more companies are outsourcing. Emily Freeman suggests how you can minimise the risks