All Weekly Email Alert articles – Page 10
RBS fined £5.6m for anti-terror slip
Bank lapses led to “unacceptable risk” of facilitating terrorist financing
Infographic: How to win rock, paper, scissors every time
The graphic will help you overcome your opponents with clever strategies
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Developing world set to account for 60% of global GDP
Financial crisis has accelerated this long term transformation in the global economy
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Summer war in the Levant predicted
Tensions between Israel and Lebanon could result in a six week war, according to Exclusive Analysis
Lessons from the banking crisis
A case study examining what went wrong at Royal Bank of Scotland
Infographic: The age crisis
Use the interactive chart to visualise the problem of ageing societies
Munich Re posts €1.2bn profit
Maintains its "ambitious" profit target of over €2bn for 2010
Life-saving strategy
One of the biggest nightmares for any risk manager who buys insurance is having a large claim that isn’t fully covered. And a possible area where this could happen is business interruption. Dave Henderson and Philip Johnson believe that FM Global has a solution to help risk managers sleep better ...
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Gulf leak is worst ever
Officials confirmed that BP’s Gulf oil spill is the world’s worst accidental leak
Smartening up
In today’s tough climate how can firms make the most of smart risk management. Michael Morley-Fletcher investigates
A crisis of governance
Wafa Al Ammadi considers the findings of recent corporate governance reports
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East London rainfall increases tenfold
New research found rainy days of 25mm have become more frequent
Cutbacks expose new risks for public sector
Government austerity present unique challenges for risk managers in the public sector, says Zurich
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Insurance costs to increase ‘modestly’ for offshore energy risks
The Gulf spill will not harden the energy market as much as Hurricane Katrina, says Marsh
When zombies attack
Ever wondered how to fight off a zombie invasion? A mathematical model offers the solution
Special Report: Public sector risks
Local authorities are being forced to get creative in order to cut costs without losing precious services – and all done in the full glare of the public eye, finds Sue Copeman. In this special report on the public sector, we focus on the impact such changes will have on ...
‘Doing nothing is not an option’
The UK government’s policy of ‘more for less’ is presenting some particular challenges for the public sector as pressure mounts to demonstrate value for money. But can the risk management function within these organisations do the same?